Lift Chairs
Selecting a Lift Chair

- Best Selling lift chair category
- Most versatile models and have the widest variety of styles, colors and features
- Trendelenburg position elevates your feet above your heart which is beneficial to those with hypotension or circulatory issues
- These models have a FULL recline position for sleeping
- Dual motors can control the footrest and headrest independently

- Zero-gravity position has the seat raise as the chair reclines which stretches out your back
- Ideal for anyone with lower back pain
- Features the Trendelenburg position which elevates your feet above your heart, this is beneficial to those with hypotension or circulatory issues
- These models have a FULL recline position for sleeping
- Dual motors can control the footrest and headrest independently

- Most popular lift chair category
- Has a reclined position known as the "napping position"
- Broad range of styles, colors and features
- Prices to meet all budgets
- These models do not fully recline

- Accommodate weight capacities of up to 700 lbs
- Designed to accommodate those who need a higher weight capacity but still want all of the features of a standard lift Nair
- Most models have dual motors which ensures powerful operation
- Most models feature all-steel frames which are durable and built. last